Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Totally T-Ball"

Dave and I officially began a new "career" today...Sports Mom and Dad. :) Dylan had his first practice today playing T-Ball. They have practices on Wednesdays and games on Saturday mornings. It's a class called "Totally T-Ball" offered through the Community Center near us, we thought we'd have him take this class to see how he likes it and then look at joining a league depending on how it goes. Dylan was WAY excited to start playing, and we are eager to see him build new skills individually and as part of a team. Yay Dylan!!!O.K., on a random sidenote, I thought it was so flippin' cute when they stretched out before practice. Dave thought it was funny that I thought it was so cute. They're little mini people doing these little stretches in a big circle and it was too cute. :)

Dylan doing his "happy jumps" while waiting his turn. :)

Post-Practice Huddle :)

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